
tizzy 慌てふためく

tizzyin a tizzy, send into a tizzy などのような形でよく使われます。興奮している様子が tizzy です。 0:44 Now, as many of you know, David recently noted how comfortable the two of us are working together. This sent some commentators into a tizzy.アメリカの大統領とイギリスの首相が仲良く仕事をするのを見て一部の評論家は狼狽している。

President Obama Meets with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAphJNbQFGE  0:40 Santa's chopper landed at an elementary school sending excited kids into a Christmas tizzy. ヘリに乗ったサンタの到着は待っていた子供たちをはしゃがせた
Take a Look at This!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLMKvvDieTI  0:17 Mr Trump is channeling a lot of frustration in a certain part of the electorate and it's really thrown the whole Republican process into a real tizzy. トランプは選挙民たちの不満を代弁することで共和党の仕組みをごちゃごちゃにしてしまった。
Trump campaign bus becomes anti-Trump work of art
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEAD-YzITv4  1:54 I love it that he's got the establishment in a tizzy.トランプが共和党を慌てふためかせているのがいいね。
Donald Trump's Growing Popularity

a-7527 sent Twitterverse into a tizzy
a-8706 went into a tizzy
b-3728 sent investors into a tizzy